About me
I'm a creative explorer with deep curiosity about storytelling, poetry and ways to reach and open the heart.
Born in Boston, MA, to two musicians, I spent my childhood playing make-believe, reading, creating, and meditating. I attended boarding school in Rome and Dharamshala before landing in Concord, MA with its tall pine trees and history of poets and abolitionists. As a teenager, I fell in love with Shakespeare and theatre as a space for revolution and stories.
I studied theatre at college, then started acting professionally, on stage and screen, in classical and modern work, on stages big and small, with an abiding love for poetry, physical theatre and co-creation.
Now, I co-run Theatre of Eternal Values - America, a meditative theatre company and continue to act, write and teach.
As a theatre maker, I seek to reach the hearts of audiences with truth and transformation. As a teacher, I seek to empower students with practical tools to express their creative voice.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!